I’ve been hinting at this for a few weeks, but I’m talking about it in more depth today. The Rebel Runner Roadmap is getting a brand-new name. There are two reasons for this evolution. First, because of its associations with the confederacy and this country’s racist history, the term rebel has some negative and uncomfortable connotations, so I’m removing it from my programs.
The second reason is that the old name didn’t truly represent what the program is all about. So, we’ve changed the name to Up and Running, because that’s what we’re here to do: get you Up and Running. When this episode airs, we are open for enrollment, and I’m taking this episode to tell you what Up and Running is all about.
Tune in this week for all the details about Up and Running. I’m walking you through how we support you in getting started, sticking with it, and feeling awesome about yourself along the way. I’m giving you answers to the most frequently asked questions about the program, and how you can get involved.
Up and Running starts on April 4th and the doors are now open for enrollment! If you want to be a runner but it feels like there’s something getting in your way, maybe you’ve tried using apps but you’ve struggled to stay motivated, click here to sign up and we’ll get you Up and Running.
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- The things you need to consider when choosing an instructional running program.
- How, inside Up and Running, we teach running in a totally new way.
- What we teach inside Up and Running, from running form and breathing to your runner’s mindset.
- How we support you inside Up and Running, with support from me personally as well as the whole community.
- Answers to the most frequently asked questions that I receive about the program.
- Where you can go to get yourself Up and Running at your own pace.
Listen to the Full Episode:
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- If you have any questions you’d like answered on the show, email me at podcast@notyouraveragerunner.com
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Full Episode Transcript:
Welcome to The Not Your Average Runner Podcast. If you’re a woman who has never felt athletic but you still dream about becoming a runner, you are in the right place. I’m Jill Angie, a certified running and life coach, and I teach women how to start running, feel confident, and change their lives. And now I want to help you.
Hello runners, how are you on this gorgeous day? Well, actually, it’s not super gorgeous where I am right now, it’s kind of cold and rainy. But the trees are just starting to bud right now and that makes me smile so hard. I love the seasons. Just when you’re tired of one, another one shows up. Every single time.
Anyway, we have some very important stuff to discuss today. Are you ready? Got your earbuds in? Let’s go. So, first, the big news, now I mentioned this a couple weeks ago but I want to talk about it in more detail today. The Rebel Runner Roadmap is getting a brand new name, and there are two reasons for this evolution.
First, the word rebel actually has a lot of negative connotations for Black people in the USA due to its associations with the Confederacy and the racist history of this country. And some folks are rightly uncomfortable with that word. So I am removing it from my programs. You may have also noticed that I no longer open the podcast with “Hey, Rebels” for that very same reason.
Now, the original reason that I named the program Rebel Runner Roadmap was because we are all sort of rebelling against the expectations of the media and the fitness industry that women should always be trying to lose weight. And I want to dismantle that whole belief system and show the world you can be an athlete in the body you have right now.
But I also want to do that in a very inclusive space. And by using the word rebel in my program name and messaging, I’m actually excluding a lot of folks, which is not cool and pretty much goes against everything I am trying to accomplish in this world. So I am removing that word in favor of better ones.
Which brings me to the second reason the name is changing. Now, the Rebel Runner Roadmap was a catchy name, but also a little confusing. Like do you get an actual roadmap? Do you have to run a race? Is it for beginners? Or should I have already been a runner for years? If I’m a rule follower, am I not qualified to be a rebel in the running program? I mean it really doesn’t tell you much about what’s going to happen for you while you’re taking the class.
It’s a beginner program to take you from not running or sort of dabbling in running to actually being a runner. And basically, you take this class and you get up and running. So that’s what I’m going to call it going forward, Up And Running, simple and to the point. And don’t worry, anybody who has joined the roadmap in the past will still have access to Up And Running. You always get lifetime access to this program, and it is the same amazing course, it’s just got a new name, that’s all.
Now, the next class kicks off on April 4th, which means if you are listening to this show before then, registration is wide open for you. And if not, you know, have a listen anyway because we’re going to be open again in a few months. And this is probably the universe putting this right in your path for a reason.
So, today I want to do a quick review of exactly what Up And Running is all about because I’ve had a lot of questions and I thought this would be a great way to get all of the details over to you. So first of all, I need you to know that I don’t teach running like any other running coach out there.
Most plans or apps are going to give you a training plan. They’ll tell you how far to run each day. And then that’s kind of it, you’re sort of on your own after that. There’s nobody to ask if you’re confused or you need help. And I’ll tell you what, when people are confused about RunKeeper, guess who they message? They ask me because there’s nobody at RunKeeper to ask. You can email tech support with an app if you have problems with the technology, but that’s really about it.
So that’s one option, is to use a training app. Another option is to join a local program. And you might get a little more instruction with that, but only during your training runs, only when you’re actually in the class. And most of those programs don’t actually cater to anyone who runs slower than like a 12 minute mile.
I mean, they all say beginner friendly, but I don’t know about you. When I’ve taken classes like that, I show up, and I’ve been left in the dust right away, okay? And that’s not fun, right? It’s like, you’re like I showed up to this class, because I want to run with other people. And then boom, you’re all by yourself, because everybody else is super fast because what beginning running means to you is not the same as what it means to somebody else.
Now, I am absolutely not dissing any other training program out there. I’m just pointing out the facts that you might have to consider when you’re choosing a running instructional program.
So here’s how Up And Running is different. Up And Running will teach you how to run. Like we will talk about proper running form, and this is especially important if you are plus size, if you are over 40, if you have never been athletic, if you are concerned about getting hurt, right?
This program that I have created is slow, back of the pack friendly, provides support every single day. Whatever questions you have, you can get answers either live on a coaching call with me or in the Facebook group. And not only that, all of the other students in the class are just like you.
So this is not you showing up to a program where everybody else is super fast, and there you are kind of huffing and puffing alone by yourself in the back. No, this is a group online program where everybody else is just like you, not naturally born athletes, right?
Most of my students are actually plus size, in their 40s, or 50s, or 60s, or even 70s. And their running pace is between, I don’t know, like a 13 and an 18 minute mile maybe. We do have some folks that are more like a 20 minute mile. So yeah, this is not your daughter’s 5K app. Okay? This program was developed by me, a plus size, certified running coach, 54 years old, and it has been tested on thousands of women. Can you tell I’m really proud of it? I’m really proud of it.
So first, I’m going to give you the rundown on how the whole program works, and then I’m going to go over some frequently asked questions that I’ve gotten. So first of all, it’s a 30 day class, okay? You’re going to learn how to start running, how to stick with it, and how to feel awesome about yourself. And it is built around my four pillars of running.
Now, pillar one is all of the foundational skills of running, like proper running form, breathing, pacing, run walk intervals, okay? It’s all about getting you up and running safely and in a way that is sustainable for you. The second pillar is all about creating your runner’s mindset. And running, my friends, is really 80% mental.
So this is the part of the class where you’re going to identify all the negative self-talk that keeps you stuck, those inner mean girl voices that say things like you’re too fat to be a runner, or you’re too old, you’re too slow. You never stick to anything, why should this time be any different? We know those voices. So in pillar two, I gave you all of the tools you need to shift that thinking so that you end up excited about what you can do and proud of yourself for doing it.
Now, pillar three is all about keeping your body strong and flexible so that you avoid getting injured and you can be a runner for many years to come. Okay, and I will give you specific strength training and stretching moves so you know exactly what to do, okay? I give you videos so you know exactly what to do. There’s very little equipment required. You don’t need a gym membership, everything can be done at home.
And then finally, pillar four is about long-term motivation. Okay, because the hardest part of any running program is sticking with it even when you’re not in the mood or when you’re struggling. So we help you to develop the mental strength to keep going, to keep showing up for yourself so you can become the runner you want to be.
Now, becoming a runner is about way more than just getting in shape, all right? It’s an accomplishment, it’s a transformation. You will start to define yourself as before you started running and after. Your body and mind will transform, okay? You will become a more confident version of yourself, you will learn how to shut down negative self-talk, you will start to see the effects of your training absolutely everywhere in your life. And with the Up And Running program, that is what I am offering you, okay? That is the transformation.
Now, the logistics, how do we teach you all of that stuff? Well, first of all, every single week we have a live coaching call over Zoom for you to ask questions. You also have access to me all week long in the Facebook group.
We have a members website, where all of your course materials can be found, you get lifetime access to that website. And you have a whole community of your fellow runners to connect with and ask questions of too, okay? You cannot get that from an app, from a book, from your local running store, okay?
Now, who is this program for? Great question, I’m so glad you asked. Any woman who is really excited about getting started as a runner but, you know, isn’t quite sure how to start. Or maybe she’s thinking, I want to be a runner, but I’m a little concerned because I think I’m too fat, or too slow, or too old, or something else, right? If that is you, Up And Running is your program.
Now, it’s also a great program for anyone who has tried the couch to 5K or another app in the past. And maybe you got to week three, and guess what? It got real hard real fast, you know, got too difficult. Or you struggled to stay motivated because, again, an app is not going to motivate you, right? An app is just there to tell you what to do on what day, right?
So if you are somebody who appreciates actual humans to help you stay motivated and accountable, if you are someone who thrives on getting feedback about how you’re doing, and somebody who loves the feeling of doing something difficult and then feeling proud of yourself afterwards, again, Up And Running is perfect for you.
Now, again, you might think that you’re too old, or too fat, or too slow to start running, and I want to prove to you that you’re not. So I have a bunch of frequently asked questions here that people have written in with. I’m going to go through them really quickly because you probably have at least one or two of them.
So, first of all, let’s get the elephant in the room, how much is the program? Well, it’s $129 US for everything. Again, that gets you a full month of online training with me, including five group coaching calls to master everything that we’ve talked about. Plus lifetime access to everything.
And yes, it does cost more than a free app, and it’s more expensive than a book. It’s probably about the same as if you went to your local running store and found like an in-person group. About the same as joining a gym for a couple months. But here’s the deal, with a gym or a local running program you don’t have somebody like you that’s on your side, like myself, my coaching team, all the other students in the class.
This is a very special experience. You will feel heard and understood as an athlete. Hell, you’re going to learn why you should start calling yourself an athlete. You will have a coach that can help you with your specific struggles. All right, you don’t get that from Joe Smith, ex varsity track runner, or some high school student your gym hired as a personal trainer. All right? They don’t understand you, I do.
And when you take a local class, again, once it’s over, that’s it. If you want to take it again, you got to pay again. But with Up And Running you get lifetime access. And that means every single time I teach this class, you get to take it again for free, no exceptions. There is literally no other running course out there that does this.
So yeah, it’s an investment, but I believe you’re worth it and I have set this class up to make sure you are successful. If you do what I say in this program, you will become a runner. Now, I want you to feel accomplished and I want you to feel proud instead of defeated and frustrated. And you will be proud of yourself at the end of this class. Your family will be proud of you too, and your friends, and your co-workers. And your kids will be like, “My mom is a runner. Yes she is.” That’s worth the price of a few lattes, yes?
So now that we have that part out of the way, let’s talk about logistics. Now, what if you’re a beginner who just started walking regularly? So if you are able to currently walk, if you are currently able to walk for 40 minutes at a time comfortably, you can do this course. And by the way, you can walk as much as you want to or as much as you need to in this program. There is no rule that says you have to run the whole time. And I’m actually going to talk about that again in just a moment.
Now, what if you want to use this to train for a 5K? Well, absolutely, you can do this. In fact, we give you a 5K training plan as part of this class and you can use it to start training for whatever race you want. And the 5k training plan we give you is eight weeks long, which means this class is going to get you halfway there and then you’ve got the plan to take you the rest of the way.
Now, you might be wondering if I’m going to teach you how to do run walk intervals, and the answer is absolutely yes. It’s what I recommend for most people. We help you figure out the best ratio of running to walking for you. Not for, you know, Sally down the road, but for you. It’s actually my superpower, I’m like the interval whisperer. And then we will help you figure out the best ratio of running and walking for you, and then that is something that you can take forward and really thrive as a runner with.
Now, a lot of folks come to me and say, “Well, I don’t want to go too fast too soon.” And I don’t want that for you either, so this program will have you going at your own pace. Each week the running assignment is for you to go and run for a certain amount of time. Not a certain distance and not a certain pace, okay? There’s no requirement for you to sprint, for you to do anything that doesn’t feel good to you.
And you are also the authority on your body, you get to decide each week, does this assignment make sense for me or do I need to tweak it? And guess what? You’ve got a coach there to ask questions and I will help you make any adjustments you need. Because I want you to be successful and proud and not injured.
Now sometimes people come to me and they say, well, it’s hot out, it’s cold out. I hear you, it’s hot everywhere, somewhere. It’s hot somewhere, it’s cold somewhere. But guess what? They run marathons in the Sahara Desert and they run marathons on Antarctica. So we will teach you how to dress and run so the heat or the cold is not an issue. And how to master the treadmill also so you can keep training just in case the weather does keep you indoors.
Now, what if you canceled your gym membership because you never used it and now you’re thinking, why is this going to be any different? I’ll probably sign up and quit before I even start. And that is the great thing about this class because we don’t just tell you what to do, we help you shift your mindset so that you can actually get it done. You are not on your own, you have me and a whole community of women just like you to help you stay focused and motivated.
All right, I got a good question from somebody once that said, “I weigh 250 pounds and my doctor tells me I’m too fat to run.” I can 100% assure you that at 250 pounds, you are more than ready. I weigh more than that and I have finished several half marathons. Now, you can walk, again, you can walk as much as you need to or as much as you want to in this program, there’s no requirement to run the whole thing. And we teach you how to run in a way that honors your body and takes care of your body.
All right, sometimes people tell me they don’t have enough time. And I’m like, all right, I hear you. Everybody’s got a crazy life. Running does actually not take as much time as you think. If you can carve out 40 minutes, three times a week, you have enough time to run. And let’s be honest, most people spend more than that on Facebook every day.
All right, what if you have an injury? Is it okay to do this program if you have an injury? So if you’re injured, the first thing you need to do is get well, okay? Go see your doctor, get into physical therapy, join the next class when you’re healed. Okay?
I mean, you can totally join now and just kind of go through the class and not do the running. You absolutely can do that, but for the running part I want to make sure that you’ve got a doctor that says okay, you are cleared to run, and that you don’t start running until then.
Now, are you committing to a monthly membership payment by joining this class? And the answer is no. This is a one-time program, at the end I will invite you to join Run Your Best Life, but you are under no obligation. The Facebook group and the live coaching calls for Up And Running will end after 30 days, though.
So if you do want to keep connected to me and the rest of the community after that program ends, Run Your Best Life is a great way to do that. But it doesn’t happen automatically and it will not happen without your express permission. We never, ever do that.
Some folks want to know why they can’t just join Run Your Best Life directly. Because Run Your Best Life is an amazing program where I work with people, basically after they’ve graduated from Up And Running, it’s my ongoing coaching work.
So Up And Running right now is the only way to get into Run Your Best Life. And that’s because it teaches you everything you need to know to get started, and then Run Your Best Life helps you take it to the next level. So the skills that we teach in Up And Running will ensure you’re able to jump right into the Run Your Best Life community without feeling confused or behind.
Let’s see, another question I get asked a lot is, well I’ve already been a runner for 10 years, or two years, or any amount of time, right? Is this program too basic for me? And the answer is actually no. Whether you’ve been running for 10 years or today’s your first day, Up And Running is all about making sure your foundations are on point. Like your running form, your intervals, your strength training, your mindset. All of these contribute to making you a strong runner.
And I have found that many experienced runners actually kind of lose sight of them and they get into habits that lead to injury. So this course is a great way for an experienced runner to get a reset. We also go deep into the running mindset so that you don’t end up feeling overwhelmed, or stressed out, or discouraged. I want to help you stay focused and motivated so you can become a badass runner or an even more badass runner.
Some folks are a little nervous about making the commitment, right? I had one woman who wrote in and said, “Well, I did a 5K a few years ago with a friend. But I don’t know if I’m motivated enough to train on my own. So I’m a little nervous about committing to this without having somebody right by my side. Will the calls and online support be enough to keep me accountable?”
Now, the calls and online support are some of the tools we provide to help you learn to become accountable to yourself. And then one of the skills we work on is actually motivation and accountability and how to create it so you never have to rely on someone else to keep you going.
I want to give you the skills to be a runner in your own right. And not, oh, I can only run if I have a buddy with me, right? Like I want you to be autonomous with your running. And if you decide to run with a friend, that’s awesome. But you don’t have to have them there to keep you motivated, because you’re going to keep yourself motivated with no problem.
All right, for anybody who just did the seven day challenge, I get a lot of questions about this. I just did your seven day challenge, is this the next step? Yes, this is a perfect next step after the seven day Start Running Challenge. Or if you happen to download my 30 Day Jumpstart Program, the free 30 Day Jumpstart Program from the internet, this is the perfect next step after that as well.
Somebody else say, “I travel a lot and I don’t know if I’ll be able to attend the group coaching calls.” And so here’s what we do for that, because there’s no way to get one coaching call time that everybody in the world can make it to. So what I do is I record every single one of them and then they get posted on the member’s website within 24 hours. Usually within you know, just a few hours, but always within 24 hours.
So you don’t ever need to attend live to get what you need. But you can submit questions ahead of time to be answered on the call if you want to. And, of course, the Facebook group is also available to you for questions at any time.
And speaking of the coaching calls, when are they? Well, they’re Mondays at 8pm Eastern throughout the class, and there are five of them. By the way, all coaching is done over Zoom, all right? And after Covid, we all know how to use Zoom. I thought maybe I should explain to people what Zoom is, but I’m pretty sure you know what it is.
So all the coaching is done over Zoom, you’re not actually on camera unless you raise your hand and request video coaching, okay? So it’s done webinar style, so you can kick back in your pajamas with a glass of wine and a bowl of Cheetos if you want to. Like nobody can see you unless you raise your hand and request to have your video turned on. So no pressure on any of the live calls, you can just come as you are for those.
All right, my friend, if you have struggled to get your shit together, to just start, to just get started, maybe you’re not sure if you’re doing it right, like your breathing, your running form, your intervals. Like, “Ah, I’m so awkward.” If you ever felt that way, or maybe you’re terrified of being seen running in public, a lot of my clients come to me like that, my friend, I get it. I’ve been there, I understand you, and I also know how to get you up and running and feeling great about it.
I know how to coach you on all of the mindset issues, all of the thoughts that you have that are holding you back. And I also know when to give you a little bit of tough love, okay? So let’s do this thing. All right, class starts on April 4th, head over to notyouraveragerunner.com/upandrunning, okay?
There’s also going to be a link in the show notes, you can go over to notyouraveragerunner.com/upandrunning. Join me in the next round of Up And Running, I’m so excited that I’m going to see you there. Let’s go have some fun, all right? I will see you next week.
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