Have you ever felt amazing after going for a run – your fastest yet, two miles in 30 minutes flat. Maybe next week you’ll break that 30 minute mark and damn, you’re gonna celebrate!
Then someone posts their stats… “only managed to do 3 miles in 35 minutes today, god I’m so slow I feel like a turtle!”
And suddenly you deflate. You WISH you were that fast. And here she is complaining about being slow at that pace. It’s not fair. She shouldn’t be making fun of slow runners like that. How are you supposed to stay motivated when people post stuff like that? She really hurt my feelings by saying that.
Just like all those skinny women that walk around asking ‘Do I look fat in this?’ when clearly they don’t and are just saying it to make you feel bad about yourself.
Whoa….let’s slow down a moment.
We are all on our own journey. There will always be someone faster than you. There will always be someone slower than you. Ditto for bigger and smaller. That is how life works. It’s a spectrum.
The thing is, most people are so absorbed with themselves that they aren’t even thinking about you at all. Especially on FB.
You have a CHOICE about how you feel when you read something on the internet, or someone says something you don’t like. People are gonna say shit. That’s a fact, and it’s not gonna change.
The only thing you CAN change is your reaction.
This is great news, because it means you can just ignore it. So she thinks she’s slow, even though she’s faster than you. So what? It doesn’t change your accomplishments. The only person that can make you feel bad about yourself is you.
Believing someone else should do/be/act differently than they do gets you absolutely nowhere except pissed off and hurt. And that’s no fun.
So next time someone complains about their pace, their weight, their *whatever*, just remember their journey is not your journey. Stay in your own lane, focus on your own path. You’ll be much happier for it!