Fall and winter is peak race season, especially for half marathons, so I want to cover how you can have a great race day! We’re talking all about race day strategies in the Run Your Best Life group at the moment, and I’m going to share some of that wisdom with you today.
What I’ll be covering on the episode is all about the drama we create in our minds that make us question our abilities, even when we’ve trained really hard. There are a lot of things we make our finishing time or our progress in training mean, and I’m showing you why it doesn’t mean what you think it does.
Join me this week for a refresher on how you can avoid creating more drama for yourself by asking better questions. I’m sharing my two cents on whether putting a positive spin on a negative situation is delusional and I think this will be really helpful in going forward with your mindset work!
We are all delusional. Every human on the planet is delusional because we all make meaning out of the facts and circumstances of our lives. It's all a delusion. Share on XI’m taking a crew of women to New Orleans in February to run the Rock n Roll half there for a once in a lifetime race-cation! If you have a half marathon on your bucket list or if you’ve done a five-mile run within the past month, I want you to sign up for a quick call with my team! This trip is going to be epic and you do not want to miss it!
What You’ll Learn From this Episode:
- Skirt Sports x Not Your Average Runner prize giveaway winner announcement.
- Why asking our brains questions we can’t answer is unproductive.
- What happens in your brain when you ask shitty questions.
- Why a circumstance in your life is always neutral.
- How our evaluations of situations are always delusions.
- Why you get to decide what makes a race great.
Listen to the Full Episode:
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If you have any questions you’d like answered on the show, email me at podcast@notyouraveragerunner.com
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- New Orleans Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon
- Ep #33: How to Coach Yourself
- Ep #25: Get Your Brain in Shape with Brooke Castillo
- Ep #47: One Mission, Two Journeys with Nicole DeBoom
- Skirt Sports
- Run This World podcast
- Jen Lamplough
- Joyce Meyer
- Barefoot Dreams cozy pants
Full Episode Transcript:
Welcome to The Not Your Average Runner Podcast. If you’re a woman who is midlife and plus sized and you want to start running but don’t know how, or if it’s even possible, you’re in the right place. Using proven strategies and real-life experience, certified running and life coach Jill Angie shares how you can learn to run in the body you have right now.
Hey rebels, you are listening to episode number 60 of The Not Your Average Runner Podcast. I’m your host, Jill Angie, and today’s episode are all about how to have a great race day. Now, fall is peak race season, especially for half marathons, and we’re talking about race day strategy on almost every single Run Your Best Life coaching call right now.
So I thought I’d bring some of that wisdom over to the podcast for you. Now, the second most popular season for half marathons is winter, in the South especially. So I’m taking a crew of women to New Orleans in February to run the Rock n Roll half marathon there on a kickass race-cation of a lifetime, and of course, I’ll be training them to have an amazing race between now and then.
So we’re staying in this ridiculously gorgeous, huge mansion type house near the French Quarter. I’m planning all kinds of fun shenanigans so that it really does become the trip of a lifetime. And if you want to train for a half marathon next year but you think February is too soon, I have really good news for you.
So we are renting another luxurious house so that I can bring along some of you to do the 5K at the Rock n Roll half marathon event as part of training for a half marathon in June in Seattle. So if you’ve got a half marathon on your bucket list for next year, we really need to talk, stat.
Sign up for a quick 10-minute call with my team to learn more at talktojill.com. Just do it, seriously. This trip is going to be epic and I want you to be there. 5K or half marathon, let’s do this.
Now, real quick, if you remember Nicole DeBoom from episode 47, she is the creator of Skirt Sports, which is pretty much the best running skirt on the market. Well, she and I announced a giveaway on that episode. It’s a joint giveaway where we’re both putting out some really awesome stuff, and today we are announcing the winner.
So because we’re both super fun people, we decided to record the announcement together and giggle our way through it. So here it is.
Nicole: Hey everyone, Nicole DeBoom here.
Jill: And Jill Angie too, and we are doing a fun little podcast pop-in on each other’s episodes today to talk about the results of the giveaway that we announced – gosh, like, a month or two ago. We did a full episode.
Nicole: Yeah, you guys – they probably thought we had totally forgotten and we were blowing it off.
Jill: They probably did, but we don’t forget anything.
Nicole: No, we’re legit. We are. So what we did was we actually recorded dual episodes on each other’s podcasts. So we had like, this one massive long recording and we could have talked for three more hours, I know, because you’re amazing.
Jill: And you’re amazing.
Nicole: We’re really here to boost each other’s egos.
Jill: That’s the only reason.
Nicole: And we asked you guys to – after you listened to both episodes, to write a review. And many of you went on and wrote reviews on both of our podcasts, which actually really helps us in the search rankings on iTunes and helps us get the word out about our podcast, which is important because both of these podcasts are doing really cool things.
Jill: Agreed. Agreed. That’s a great point. The more reviews we get, the more people get to listen to them and so we love that. But we wanted to reward you guys for writing reviews and so we picked a dual review at random to give a really fun prize pack of lots of stuff. What’s in the prize pack, Nicole?
Nicole: Well, I actually forgot. But I’m just making it up right now because on my end at least, you can make up whatever you want too, but you know, I think from Skirt Sports perspective and you know, I can make this decision because I kind of own the company. I’m going to give the winner an outfit of her choice.
Jill: Oh my god, I love that. I hope she picks the Wonder Wool.
Nicole: Oh Jill, she has to. Oh my gosh, we’ll have to show photos of you wearing it.
Jill: We’re going to talk about that a lot later but you guys, the whole Wonder Wool thing is legit. It is amazing, and I want my entire wardrobe to be made of Wonder Wool at this point.
Nicole: You know, it has natural anti-odor too so you could wear it to work out and then wear it to sleep and be fine.
Jill: That’s good to know. And I noticed that it doesn’t stay all sweaty. Like, it wicks really fast.
Nicole: Yes. These performance fabrics actually work. Well, so and what are you giving the winner?
Jill: Oh yes, okay, so I have like, lots of super fun stuff. So a copy of Not Your Average Runner, the book, and a cope of Not Your Average 5K, both signed by me, the author. A Not Your Average Runner headband and some temporary tattoos and some really cool stickers. I had all of the Not Your Average Runner tanks made into stickers so they say like, really fun things on them. So you’re going to get some stickers, and then you’re going to get a nice aluminum insulated water bottle that says Not Your Average Runner on the side.
Nicole: And then you’re going to be like a walking billboard for Jill Angie, because you know what thought, none of us is average, and that’s what I love about what you’re doing, Jill.
Jill: For sure.
Nicole: Should we announce the big winner?
Jill: I think we should.
Nicole: That was a drumroll. Go ahead. Do it.
Jill: Alright, we are giving this amazing prize pack to Jenny C of Minnesota, and we should read the reviews that she wrote for us.
Nicole: Let’s do it. And the funny thing is like, Jenny C, we actually don’t even have your email or anything because these are reviews. So if you don’t ever listen to another podcast episode, you won’t get anything. So you have to actually reach out to us. You can find me through Facebook messenger and Jill as well. Does that work?
Jill: Yeah, Facebook messenger, definitely. Or you can – she could email both of us too.
Nicole: Oh, that’s true, but then we have to…
Jill: Do you want to give your email address?
Nicole: Sure. Doesn’t matter.
Jill: This is totally unscripted.
Nicole: I know, can you tell? Great, yeah, so what’s yours?
Jill: She can email me at support@notyouraveragerunner.com.
Nicole: Oh, good. And she can email me at nicole@skirtsports.com. Easy. And that means all of you can email me too with any questions, any time. I just might not get back to you right away.
Jill: Yeah, same here.
Nicole: Alright, I got to read this review she wrote for you, Jill, on your Not Your Average Runner podcast, which you should all be listening to because we need to dual share these podcasts more often. Love it. She actually gave you five stars. Actually, everyone gave you five stars. You have like, 125 reviews, which is so cool. She says, “I LOVED this one. There were so many good nuggets like fail forward or negative words only have power over us if we attach emotions to them, or the wisdom gained by life experiences, not necessarily age. Thank you both for sharing your stories and your wisdom with us.” Now guess what, people don’t even need to listen to the episode because she just paraphrased it for them.
Jill: Oh, but there’s so much more in that episode. It was a good one. It was – and that was episode number 47 of Not Your Average Runner and I want to read the review for episode 106 of Run This World, from Jenny C. She says, “Wow, powerful. You two have so much wisdom to share. I really love the concept that you get wisdom from life experiences, not necessarily with age, and also to fail forward. Just really thought-provoking and inspiring conversation. Thank you.” And again, with the five stars. So thank you Jenny C from Minnesota. Also, we were very grateful that you put the episode numbers in your review. It was very, very helpful for us, so you’re getting bonus points for being super organized, which is something I aspire to be.
Nicole: Alright everyone, over and out from the pop-in and I look forward to sharing a little more of the work that Jill and I are going to do in the future.
Jill: Because it’s going to be epic.
Nicole: Totally.
Okay, so if you are Jenny C from Minnesota and you wrote those great reviews, get in touch with us so we can give you your amazing prize pack.
Alright rebels, are you ready to talk about how to have a great race day? Me too. So yesterday. I did a model-thon for my Run Your Best Life clients. Now, this is an idea that I got from Brooke Castillo of The Life Coach School podcast, which, The Life Coach School is where I trained as a life coach, it’s where I learned all the stuff that I teach you.
And anyway, Brooke does these one-day events for her clients that she calls model-thons. And how they work is that the students at the event bring their problems, not physically, they just bring – they just talk about what their problems are, and Brooke uses the coaching model to help them.
Now, if you’re new to the podcast, what I want you to do is make sure you listen to episode 33, where I teach the model in detail. Today’s episode is still going to be very helpful to you, but if you listen to episode 33 afterwards, you’ll get even more out of it.
Anyway, on this call at Run Your Best Life, I was speaking with a client who is about to do a half marathon. She’s training for a half marathon in February, but for the past month, she’s been injured so she’s missed quite a few training runs. And she’s feeling really anxious about it because this is going to be her third half marathon, and she has this belief that every single race should be better than the one before.
And now, better can mean different things to different people, but to this particular client, it means faster. So her recurring thoughts about this race are focused on what impact the missed training runs would have on her half marathon performance four months from now.
Now, in her own words, she said, “I’ve lost four weeks of training, what if I don’t do better at this race?” And this question was causing her to feel really anxious and worried because when you ask your brain a question that doesn’t really have an answer, it just runs amuck. And as Jen Lamplough, who is the Not Your Average Runner chef and nutrition expert, as Jen puts it, “It’s like a toddler running around indoors with an open umbrella.”
That’s a great visual, isn’t it? In other words, it means an unanswered question in your brain just makes a mess and trashes the place. So when we ask our brains shitty questions like, what if I don’t do better at this race? And we don’t provide it with an answer, we start to feel worried, anxious, overwhelmed, stressed out. Like, all of these emotions are completely unproductive and they get in the way of us actually working on our training or figuring out a solution.
It’s just drama. It’s just this drama that we create in our minds. You know when you watch one of those reality shows like the Kardashians or the Real Housewives and they get all agitated and aggressive with each other about completely unimportant stuff, but they’re just all in and committed to whatever thing it is that they’re arguing about. That’s what your brain does to you when you keep asking those shitty questions.
It just creates drama over nothing. So the first thing I like to do in that case is just answer the question. So we did that last night. What if you don’t do better on this race? So what? And you know what, the answer was actually really simple. She said, “Well, I guess it really wouldn’t be a big deal.” She had this idea that she should get better with each race, but really, that’s not actually a rule of running at all. In fact, that’s really not how running works at all.
Our progress has ups and downs, and ups and downs. It’s never a straight line. It was just this kind of random expectation that she had in the back of her mind and it really wasn’t grounded in anything other than some silliness, some drama that her brain made up. The truth is if she finishes the half marathon in February slower than the last one before that, the race before that, it can only mean one thing.
And this is what it means. That she took longer to run her third half marathon than her second one. I mean, that’s literally it. It’s just data. It’s just a fact. It’s just a circumstance. Now, you can make that mean anything that you want about yourself. The circumstance is always the time it took to finish, and your thoughts about it are where all the power lies.
Now, if you make it mean something positive, you will have positive feelings. If you make it mean something negative, you will probably have negative feelings. The circumstance will be the same either way. That part of it is neutral. You get to decide what you want to make it mean.
That means you get to decide whether it’s a great race or a terrible race. So we actually talked about what would make it a great race, even if she was slower than the last one, right? And that was pretty fun because there’s so much that makes a race great and honestly, none of it has to do with how fast you ran.
So here was her list. She’s running with a friend who’s doing her first half, so she’ll get to have that experience with a newbie, and that’s really awesome. The race is in New Orleans. She’s never been there before, so she gets to run in a brand-new city in February. So it’s going to be cold – actually, this client lives in Florida so it’ll be about the same temperature, but you know, the – February in New Orleans is really a lovely time of year.
There are beignets and beer at the finish line, and the race goes through this beautiful part of the city, and it’s a Rock n Roll half marathon. They’re always fun races, especially in New Orleans where music is like, a really big deal. And best of all, it’s her third fucking half marathon, which is totally badass. Because most people in this world will never even complete one, and here she is doing her third.
Now, notice that none of the things on this list have anything to do with pace. So because you get to decide what makes a race great, that’s so powerful. You get to decide with your thoughts. And the only person that has any control over your thoughts is you.
Now, I had a conversation about this kind of concept with somebody else recently. We weren’t specifically talking about running, but just the concept of thinking positively in general. So we discussed this question that we had both recent heard, which was, is it wrong to try to put a positive spin on a negative situation? Because isn’t that just delusional?
And here’s my two cents on that. We are all delusional. Every human on the planet is delusional because we all make meaning out of the facts and circumstances of our lives. It’s all a delusion. The truth is always the data and then with our thoughts, we make evaluations.
And evaluations are delusions. They’re not the truth. They’re just our opinions. So some people’s delusions make them feel great. Some people’s delusions make them feel awful. It’s still all a delusion because it’s all just opinion that we hold in our brains and nowhere else. Opinions that we’ve made up.
And look at our president. So many people would say that he’s delusional, but then the other half of the country is like, he’s not delusional, he’s right. So that’s what I mean by delusion. It’s all delusion. Opinions are delusion. So, some of it is stuff that we’ve learned from other people and so we think it’s the truth because other people agree with us, but it’s not.
That’s the truth. None of this stuff, none of the thoughts that we have in our mind, none of the opinions, the judgments, the evaluations, the beliefs that we have, none of it is the truth. The truth is always the data, and there’s very little truth in this world. Everything else is just delusion.
So let me give you an example. So, say that you did a half marathon and it took you three hours and 30 minutes. That is the fact. Now, there might be a lot of people who would say that’s pretty slow for a half marathon. But then all those people that finish the race in four hours might say that you were fast. The pace is the neutral circumstance. Whether it is fast or slow is just a matter of opinion.
And really, even if there were a criteria for what is fast or slow, even if we could qualify that as a circumstance, it’s still neutral. It’s what you make it mean that causes your feelings. Now, you could believe that it’s fast, and if being fast is what you want, you’ll be happy. Even if everybody else thinks it’s slow and believes that slow is bad, you’re still happy because of what you believe.
Now, why would we ever want that to be wrong? If my delusions bring me joy, bring on the fucking delusions. What we’re really saying when we call someone delusional is that it’s not fair that they should be happy about something that we wouldn’t be happy about, right? And that kind of sucks.
I would much rather live in a world where I get to make the facts mean whatever I want and feel however I want about it. And guess what? We all live in that world. We do. It’s just that not everybody gets it. Not everybody knows it.
So that, my friends, is how you have a great race. You decide what is going to be great about it and go with it. And seriously, I just realized I forgot to lead this episode with a quote, but I think the quote is actually better placed at the end of our discussion than at the beginning.
So here’s the quote that I picked for us today. “You cannot have a positive life with a negative mind,” and that is from Joyce Meyer. And oh my god, this is so good because if you are thinking negative thoughts all the time and a lot of times we think our negative thoughts are just the truth, but I promise they’re not. They’re just your thoughts.
If you’re thinking negative thoughts all the time, you’re going to have the corresponding negative emotions and your life will follow suit. You cannot have a positive life with a negative mind. And here’s the best part, you cannot have a positive race with a negative mind either. Really think about that. You can’t have a great race if you’re going to go into it thinking negatively about it.
Okay rebels, we are heading into the cool down now, which means it is time for my latest obsession, and oh my god, I’m so excited about this one. I’m actually wearing them right now and I’ll talk about them in a minute. But fall is here. Well actually, here in Philly, we kind of skipped fall and we just sort of dove right into winter.
But anyway, my latest obsession is these unbelievably soft, comfortable pants I found on Amazon, of all places. So they’re like pajama pants. They’re cut like pajama pants, they have a drawstring, they have like, wide legs, but they’re made of this sort of fuzzy – it’s actually a nylon rayon blend, which sounds weird, but I promise you, it feels like heaven.
They’re slightly fuzzy, they feel so good against your skin. They’re really soft and they’re warm, and they are perfect to put on after that long weekend run when you’ve just taken a hot shower, you’re ready to kick your feet up and relax. The brand is called Barefoot Dreams and they actually – they come in a bunch of colors. They make sweaters too.
So I have the pants and the pullover hoodie, which is also amazing. Although what it does do is it creates a little bit of static when I put it over my head. If I’m like, sitting on the couch or whatever, but that’s okay. I’m absolutely willing to suffer the consequences because it feels so good to be all wrapped up in the fluffiness.
So I have the pants, I have the pullover. Every time I wear them, Andy cannot stop petting me, it’s really funny. And Maddie actually likes them too. She’ll sit on my lap and she’ll just get all snuggly, it’s really cute. And the best part is like, the cat hair doesn’t even show because they’re sort of like a – I don’t know, like a marled pattern or they’re not a solid color. They’re sort of like, flecky, heathered color.
Anyway, they’re the perfect recovery pants, perfect for Netflix binging, Thanksgiving after dinner curled up by the fireplace drinking hot chocolate. They’re that kind of pants. And I’ve got a link in the show notes for you. I just – just trust me. Go get some. They are amazing.
Alright rebels, that is it for this week. Everything I mentioned in this episode can be found in the show notes at notyouraveragerunner.com/60. And we do not have an interview this Saturday. We’re taking a one-week hiatus from the interviews. We’ll be back next week with some really good guests and I will talk to you soon. Bye.
Thanks for listening to this episode of The Not Your Average Runner Podcast. If you liked what you heard and want more, head over to www.notyouraveragerunner.com to download your free one-week jumpstart plan and get started running today.
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