Three Reasons You Haven’t Started Running Yet⁠—And How To Get Past Them!
Ready to join the Rebel Runner Roadmap? Scroll down to learn more!
You want to be a runner. Maybe even run a 5K.

But right now you can’t make it to the end of your driveway.

How the f*ck will you ever become a runner?
I see you. I know you’re frustrated. But I’ve got some good news for you.

You’re not too out of shape. I know you run after dark because you think everyone in your neighborhood is secretly judging you.

You’re not too fat. I know you keep your running a secret from your coworkers because you don’t want their pity.

You’re not too old. I know you don’t tell your family you want to start running because you think they’ll laugh at you.

You’re not too slow. I know you don’t make eye contact with anyone at the gym because you’re embarrassed about how you look on the treadmill.

How do I know?

Because I was you. I know what it’s like:

  • To show up to a ‘beginner-friendly’ training group and be left behind after a quarter of a mile.

  • To hear someone cheer you on and you know it’s only because you’re fat and slow.

  • To get to week 3 of Couch to 5K and quit because it’s just too hard.

  • When the trainer at the gym doesn’t take you seriously - and gives you a nutrition plan instead of a 5K training plan.

  • To feel like everyone else comes first, and there’s no time left for you.

  • To see all your friends running 5Ks and half marathons and feel left out because you can’t keep up.

I know what it’s like to feel embarrassed, ashamed, frustrated and defeated because you can’t do the things you really want to.

I also know what it’s like to feel confident. To prove everyone wrong. To be a real runner in the body you have right now.

Hi. I’m Jill Angie. I’m 52 years old, I’m fat, and I’m a runner.

I’m also a certified running coach, and I’ve helped thousands of women just like you start running so they can get fit, feel confident, and be proud of what they’ve accomplished.

I don’t teach running like anyone else, because a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for everyone.

I’ve made it my mission in life to help women who have never felt athletic start running safely so they can finish their first 5K and feel unstoppable.

How do I do that?

By meeting you where you are, and understanding your specific challenges:

Maybe you’ve gained weight and everything hurts - especially your ankles and knees.

Maybe you’re self-conscious about how you look in running gear and you can’t stand the thought of people looking at you while you run.

Maybe you’ve recently lost a bunch of weight and you don’t know where to start.

Maybe you’ve been sedentary for awhile and running feels really hard.

Maybe you're over 40 50 and you think you're too old to start running.

Maybe you believe you're not athletic and you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of a bunch of strangers.

My revolutionary program will help you with all of that, and more.

The Rebel Runner Roadmap is a 30-day online class that will teach you the foundational skills of running in an easy-to-follow progression so that you can start running safely - and feel confident that you’re getting stronger and more badass with every run.


  • Proper running form, breathing, and pacing
  • How to utilize run/walk intervals to run faster and farther

  • How to manage your mindset so you stay motivated and excited about running.

  • What to wear to feel and perform your best.

  • The right strength training and stretching exercises to keep your body strong, flexible, and injury-free.

  • How to train for your first 5K and feel confident on race day


What will you feel like after 30 days?

You’ll be stronger, fitter and amazed at how much you’re capable of.

You’ll start showing up for yourself in a whole new way - making yourself a priority instead of always taking a back seat.

You’ll begin to see what’s possible for you if you keep going - maybe a 5K, maybe a half marathon, who knows!

But the benefits of this program go way beyond becoming a better runner.

More Restful Sleep

No more sleepless nights. Regular exercise helps you sleep more deeply, which in turn gives you more energy for running (and the rest of your life, too).

Increased Productivity

Running gives you energy and clears your mind, so you can show up for your life feeling focused and ready to take on your day.


There’s a reason they say running is cheaper than therapy! Getting your sweat on is a proven way to improve your mood and reduce anxiety.

Better Relationships

Running is your time. And when you take time for yourself, you feel rejuvenated - which helps you show up for everyone else in your life on a whole new level. 

A Brighter Future

Running opens up a whole new world, because now you’re someone who’s not afraid to try new things and put herself first. Get excited about your future because now that you’re a runner, the sky is the limit!

Stronger Bones

Running is a high-impact, weight bearing exercise, which means it makes your joints and bones stronger. And strong bones mean you’re less likely to break them as you age. 


When you start doing things you used to think were out of reach you feel like a total badass. And badasses have swagger. Instead of worrying about what other people think, they move through life with confidence and self-assurance. Doesn’t that sound like fun?

Increased Fitness

Running improves your cardiovascular fitness better than any other exercise. And a stronger heart and lungs mean that activities of daily living - like running after your kids, or sprinting to catch a flight - become much easier.

Your Knees Will Thank You

Running doesn’t ruin your knees. Inactivity ruins your knees. With proper form and accompanying strength training, the weight-bearing aspect of running will actually stimulate your joints to become more durable - greatly reducing your chance of knee problems in the future.

Sounds awesome, right? Here’s how you get started.

I’m going to teach you exactly how to start running in the body you have right now - safely and with confidence - so you can finally become the runner you’ve always wanted to be. And maybe become the badass superhero of your own life.

How much you participate is up to you. You can simply watch the videos and do the assignments on your own, or you can come to all of the coaching calls and check in to the Facebook group daily. It’s up to you.

The best part?

Your investment is just $98.

That’s all it takes to become the badass superhero of your own life.

Simply click the button below and let’s get started.

We're getting started on January 6th but the Facebook party is already rockin'. Are you in?


Sorry gents - this program is only open to women. We’ll be addressing a number of women-only issues in the group and I want to keep it a safe space for everyone to share.
