This month on Rockstar Runner, I am really excited to interview Sarah Scott, of the blog Losing Weight and Having Fun. Sarah was one of the first people I met this past June at FitBloggin, and we’ve kept in touch ever since. She’s a genuine running addict, and despite a serious injury last year has completed an astronomical number of races (I have to admit, I’m really envious of her bling). So without further ado, heeere’s Sarah!
Tell us a little about yourself!
I’m 38 and moved to California from England 5 years ago with my husband and two west highland terriers. When I’m not busy selling my Jamberry nail wraps, I am volunteering at the local animal shelter and food bank. I enjoy running and water running and Aqua fit.
How/why did you start running?
I ran a few 5ks for charity events in England, but never really got the running bug, then I moved to the US and a friend invited me to a race, and then I got addicted – I love the bling!!
What do you love about running – what keeps you coming back time after time?
I have always loved being outside, and the whole running community is awesome, there is such a buzz at races and I always feel welcome, plus I have made so many new friends through running.
What words of wisdom do you have for brand new runners?
Take it at your own pace, and have fun, if you are obsessed with running as fast or faster than friends then it becomes a chore and the fun goes away. And a good pair of running shoes.
What are your favorite inspirational blogs to follow?
Have you ever been injured running, and how did you recover?
I tore a tendon in my foot last year, the tear actually happened during a game of badminton, but it got worse as I carried on running, and eventually I had to have surgery. I was in a cast and then a boot, and couldn’t run for 4 months, it was hard and I got discouraged, I am still working on getting my pace back to what it was, it’s a slow process but I will get there.
What running gear do you think you can’t live without?
I love my Brooks Ghost 7 Running Shoes
, I have been through so many different shoes trying to find the right ones for me. I also love my Garmin Forerunner 10 GPS Watch
What is your favorite race distance?
5k at the moment, eventually I would like to do more 10ks, and I do have my first half in Feb 2015!!
What was your favorite race?
I did a 5k recently called Let’s Go 510 and the finish line was on the horse racing track, it was pretty cool, although very strange running on so many different surfaces in one race.
How many races have you completed?
56 since 2012, that is 5ks, 10ks and a mud run
Treadmill or outdoors?
I only run outside now, I fell off a treadmill (twice!) so have never got back on!
How can we find/follow you on social media?
Facebook: Losing Weight and Having Fun
Twitter: @SarahLou1976
Instagram: SarahLou1976
Jamberry consultant page We have cute running nails 😉

Thanks Sarah for sharing your story with us! Congratulations on all of your running adventures, and good luck in your first half marathon!
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