For most of us, running is therapy. It keeps us sane, allows us to deal with stress, and just generally makes us feel good. When an injury temporarily takes that away, it’s hard to accept. Whether you like it or not, if you don’t take time off to heal properly, you might not be able to […]
Run Your Own Race
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt I love this quote so much. In just six words, Teddy R sums up my entire attitude towards my running performance. Picture this: you have what you thought was a great run one morning, finally breaking that 14-minute mile pace after weeks of trying. You hop […]
The Biggest Mistake New Runners Make
New runners are an enthusiastic bunch. It’s always exciting to start a new activity – especially one that promises to bring you health, happiness and lots of race bling. And whether you’re in it for fitness, therapy, weight loss, or just to keep up with your girlfriends, most newbies have one thing in common: Doing too […]
December Challenge – Squats for Runners
It’s December and time for another challenge! This month we’re going to work on building strength in those important running muscles by doing some squats. The squat is one of the most basic strength training exercises you can perform, and also one of the most beneficial for runners. A properly executed squat works almost every […]
Yoga for Plus-Size Runners
I am over-the-moon excited to bring you a guest post from one of my own personal she-roes: the amazing Anna Guest-Jelley of Curvy Yoga! Once upon a time, I thought that my body was just too big for yoga. Anna’s approach gave me the profound gift of yoga, kindness, and compassion for myself, with a healthy […]
Five Ways to Stick With Your Running Resolution
Congratulations! You’ve made a resolution to start running, and feel totally stoked about all of the awesome runs in your future. For a couple weeks, you’re getting out there right on schedule, pounding the pavement and feeling like a rock star. But then…life catches up, the enthusiasm fades and soon you’re finding excuses not to run. We’ve ALL been […]
How To Keep Running During Pregnancy
I’m so excited to have Julia Jones of Up & Running online running courses guest posting today! This Italian-dwelling American has been a runner and running coach for over fifteen years, including helping hundreds of moms run safely during and after pregnancy. Today she shares her top running tips for a fit and happy nine months! […]
Recovering From a Crappy Run
First of all, let me state that I really don’t believe there is any such thing as a crappy run (unless you literally crapped your pants – but that’s pretty rare). After more than a decade of running, I firmly believe that even a bad run is better than no run at all. However, I do understand there […]